Tools that help you through life’s toughest times

Hummingly is the creation of Elizabeth McNaughton and Jolie Wills, a duo who have worked in disasters around the world for more than two decades. The realization that helping one person, one community, one disaster at a time was no longer enough,

Hummingly is the creation of Elizabeth McNaughton and Jolie Wills, a duo who have worked in disasters around the world for more than two decades. The realization that helping one person, one community, one disaster at a time was no longer enough,

Hummingly is the creation of Elizabeth McNaughton and Jolie Wills, a duo who have worked in disasters worldwide for more than two decades. The realization that was helping one person, one community, one disaster at a time was no longer enough lit the spark that became Hummingly. Elizabeth and Jolie set about creating easy-to-use products that people, communities, and workplaces of the world could access to do well in tough times.

These proven products are based on Elizabeth and Jolie’s knowledge gained in real disasters and crises. They have gathered wisdom from over 100 crisis leaders, feedback from thousands of disaster survivors, scientific insights from their background in cognitive psychology, and a shared passion for preparing the world to do disruption, stress, and uncertainty well.

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Todd DeVoe
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Jolie Wills